Thursday, 24 March 2016

How to Allow Non-Admin To Start And Stop System Services

Step 1 – Create the Console

Ø  Click Start > Run (or press WIN + R) and type “mmc.exe
Ø  This opens an empty Microsoft Management Console. Click File > Add/Remove Snap-in… (Ctrl+ M)
Ø  Scroll down the list of available Snap-ins and select Security Configuration and Analysis
Ø  Click Add
Ø  Next select Security Templates
Ø  Click Add
Ø  Click OK


  Step 2 – Create a blank Security Template

Ø  Right-click Security Templates from the console tree and select New Template Search Path.
Ø  Browse to C:\temp, or other local path, and click OK
Ø  Right-click C:\temp from the console tree and select New Template
Give the new template a name,
E.g. Windows Services. It doesn’t matter what you use.
Ø  The Description is optional but may be useful if you want to re-use it
Ø  Click OK and you will see the new template appear in the console


Step 3 – Create a Security Database

Ø Right-click Security Configuration and Analysis from the console tree and select Open Database
                      Ø Browse to C:\temp, or other local path, and type a name in the box
E.g. Security
Ø  Click OK. This creates an Security.sdb file that is used to apply the changes
Ø  An Import Template window appears.
Browse to C:\temp\ Windows Services.inf and select Open. This applies the template with all the local services to the database
Ø  If you get the error “The database you are attempting to open does not exist.” then you need to choose a different path i.e. on a local disk
Ø  Right-click Security Configuration and Analysis from the console tree and select Analyze Computer
Ø  Click OK to accept the default log file path
Ø  You will then be presented with something that looks very similar to the Group Policy Editor or Local Security Policy Console.



Step 4 Change Service Permissions

Ø  Double-Click System Services
Ø  Scroll down to find these 3 services which you need to change Service
Ø  Double-Click the service
Ø  Tick the box Define this policy in the database
Ø  Click the Edit Security button

Ø  Select or add user And Allow Full Control.
Ø  Click OK on the Service Properties to bring you back to the console
Ø  You’ll notice the Service now has an ‘x’ on it and Investigate message on the Permission column. This is because the new permissions we’ve chosen conflict with what is on the local computer.


Step 5 – Apply new Security Permissions

Ø  Right-click Security Configuration and Analysis from the console tree and select Configure Computer.
Ø  Click OK to accept the default log file path.
Ø  This will apply the new custom permissions to the local computer
Ø  You can now test it out on the server with the  account and test it works.


Sunday, 6 March 2016

How to force .NET Application to run as administrator on Windows

If we want application force to run as Administrator  on windows, how we can do that
following i have describe how we can do this for .Net application.

1. First we need to add a new Application Manifest file your .Net project.In the Project, Right click      on the solution and click “Add new Item” and then add Manifest file

2. Then need to change In  Manifest File, modify the <requestedExecutionLevel> to <requestedExecutionLevel level=”requireAdministrator” uiAccess=”false” />

Now  user starts the application, user will prompted with the UAC and on accepting the program will run the admini mode.

Dependency Injection in C# with Example

Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that take away from the responsibility by creating a dependency class to create  loosely coupled system.Most people not clear idea about what is dependency injection (DI) and when it want to use in the code.

In this article i'm taring to describe what is dependency Injection(DI) and how we use to get loosely coupled system using simple example.Imagine you have face situation like follow

you have class Employee and it has Logger for print message.and also you have to add another Logger method for different customer,normally we can implement that as follow.

public class Employee
    private LoggerOne LoggerOne;
    private LoggerTwo LoggerTwo;


public class LoggerOne
    public void WriteToLog(string text)

public class LoggerTwo
    public void WriteToLog(string text)
        Console.WriteLine("***********\n {0}\n***********",text);

 but in this implementation Employee class tightly coupled with  LoggerOne and LoggerTwo.So this system hard to modify and reuse.

So prevent that issue we can use dependency Injection to solve this and get loosely coupled system.

We can use interface ILogger class for the Logger to inject the dependency to Employee class as follow

public class Employee
    private ReadOnly ILogger _logger;
    public Employee(ILogger Logger){
       _logger.WriteToLog("Test Logger");


public interface ILogger
    void WriteToLog(string text);

public class LoggerOne : ILogger
    public void WriteToLog(string text)

public class LoggerTwo : ILogger
    public void WriteToLog(string text)
        Console.WriteLine("***********\n {0}\n***********", text);
Now let's instantiate an Employee with two different loggers:

 Employee employee1 = new Employee(new LoggerOne());
 Employee employee2 = new Employee(new LoggerTwo());

 And the output:

 Test Logger

Test Logger

Monday, 22 February 2016

LINQ Operator in C#

LINQ stands for Language Integrated Query and is Microsoft’s advanced data access technology that is used to query collections of data.

The collections can be of two types:

1.  local collections such as collections belonging to the System.Collections namespace  and the              System.Collections.Generic spaces

e.g.       List<T>,Dictionary, HashSet etc

2.  Other collections are remote collections such as an XML document or a database table

Syntax of LINQ
There are two syntaxes of LINQ. These are the following ones.

·         Lamda (Method) Syntax
var longNames = Names.Where( n => n.length > 10);

·         Query (Comprehension) Syntax
var longNames = from n in Names where n.length > 10;


Monday, 1 February 2016

How to return NULL value from generic method in C#

Following  my Example code for describe the issue,

following i have written the generic method to Search thru the list by using given search value
if value in list return the list and otherwise return NULL Value.

According to the code it seems ok.but it get following error

Cannot convert null to type parameter 'T' because it could be a value type

For avoid that issue following option

1- Method

Return default(T) which means you'll return null if T is a reference type (or a nullable value type), 0 for int, '\0' for char etc

2- Method
Restrict T to be a reference type with the where T : class constraint and then return null as normal

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)